Tuesday 8 March 2011

Initial startup

Back in Stavanger, I've enjoyed a first date with the new lady. She fires up willingly, and with some adjustments the engine feels very quick and responsive. Some WD40 loosened up the handlebars, and although my 180SS is pretty similar, this scooter feels much more "german" in its handling; Tight and firm. The brakes just need some minor adjustments.

On the other side, I have noticed some incontinence, she leaves oil stains. 

The Cuppini bars have been removed together with the bolt on mirrors, and the horrible turn signals.

The suspect tank is infact very suspect; for some reason it seems like the original top of the tank has been welded to the bottom of another tank, uncertain why. 

And the reason why the tank valve didn't respond as supposed (providing reserve, close, open) is quite obvious when lifting the tank; a household valve has been used to repair the tank valve. This will have to be fixed, new tank needs to be sourced.

The battery is infact working, but I will most likely change it due to age, just to be on the certain side. On the electric side, the turnsignals didn't work, but most of the other lights seems to work, but rather poorly. The horn was non-responsive, but this could be due to lack of power on battery?

The Femsatronic 200 Rally engine, as you can observe there is quite some oil spill from the engine, further investigations will have to be made. I changed the oil  and installed new seals on both oil screws, but a fair amount of oil was on the floor the next day. 

I might need to split the engine earlier than I thought... 

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